Souveräner Ritter- und
Hospitalorden vom Hl. Johannes zu
Jerusalem von Rhodos und von Malta


Empfang der regierenden hauptleute der Republik San Marino: die konflikte im nahen osten und die humanitären notlagen im mittelpunkt der gespräche

Empfang der regierenden hauptleute der Republik San Marino: die konflikte im nahen osten und die humanitären notlagen im mittelpunkt der gespräche

The state visit of the Captains Regent of the Republic of San Marino, Gian Franco Terenzi and Guerrino Zanotti, took place today in the seat of the Sovereign Order of Malta.

Received with military honours in the courtyard of the Magistral Palace by the Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta, Fra’ Matthew Festing, the state visit of the Captains Regent confirms the close ties between the Republic of San Marino and the Sovereign Order of Malta, underpinned by almost 80 years of diplomatic relations since 1935.

“Once again we take the opportunity of this official meeting,” said the Captains Regent of the Republic of San Marino in their official speech, “to confirm the particular nature of the bond that unites us on a bilateral level, and in the multilateral context where the Order is actively present, assiduous and impartial, continuously reinforcing cooperation and friendship in the common desire for more justice and solidarity in the world”.

During the talks, carried out in an atmosphere of great cordiality, the Grand Master and Captains Regent expressed their preoccupation about the dwindling respect for human rights and reasserted their mutual commitment to assist the poor, the sick, the marginalized and the victims of war and to promote the application of humanitarian laws. Principles that have always driven the agenda of the world’s oldest republic and of the Sovereign Order of Malta. As the Grand Master stressed, “San Marino and the Sovereign Order of Malta are both engaged in building bridges to foster dialogue and the respect of cultural, religious, ethnic and gender diversities, remembering what Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Pope Francis have so often repeated: ‘The promotion of human rights remains the most effective strategy for eliminating inequalities between countries and social groups’”.

Also discussed during the meeting was the profound humanitarian crisis caused by the conflicts inflaming the Middle East, forcing millions of people to flee from both Iraq and Syria and from many African countries, and the effects of a “mass migration” towards Europe. The important contribution that immigrants can give on both an economic and demographic level was emphasized.

The serious epidemic caused by the Ebola virus and its repercussions on the economic-social fabric of the West African countries involved was also a subject discussed.

The excellent relations between the Sovereign Order of Malta and the Republic of San Marino are testified to by the numerous reciprocal visits made over the years by the highest authorities. The latest visit by Grand Master Fra’ Matthew Festing was in 2011 when he ascended Mount Titan for the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations.

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