Ordre Souverain Militaire et
Hospitalier de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem de
Rhodes et de Malte

Dans les médias

Ordine di Malta, siglato un memorandum d’intesa con il Regno Unito

Agency DIRE
Language ENGLISH
Date 10/10/2024

ROMA – È stato siglato stamani presso la Villa Magistrale del Sovrano ordine di Malta, a Roma, un memorandum d’intesa sul Partenariato strategico per lo sviluppo tra l’ufficio Esteri, Commonwealth…

Ordre de Malte: au Liban, «on vit une heure après l’autre»

Agency Vatican News
Date 03/10/2024

Les Libanais pris au piège dans une guerre qu’il n’ont, pour beaucoup, pas choisie. Depuis 10 jours, les frappes israéliennes s’abattent à seulement 7km de chez elle. Lui faut-il laisser…

An actual field hospital: The Order of Malta’s ambitious Gaza mission

Agency The Pillar
Language ENGLISH
Date 26/09/2024

At once a religious order under the jurisdiction of the pope and a sovereign authority under international law — on exactly the same diplomatic footing as the Holy See itself…

After three decades at the UN, Order of Malta looks to years ahead

Agency The Catholic Directory
Language ENGLISH
Date 06/09/2024

The Sovereign Order of Malta’s Observer Status to the UN will soon reach the 30 mark, and the Master of the Order has been discussing how he plans to lead…

Celebrating 30 years as Permanent Observer at the UN

Agency UNToday
Language ENGLISH
Date 02/09/2024

The Sovereign Order of Malta’s Observer Status to the UN will soon reach the thirty-year mark. How do you plan to commemorate both the occasion and this dedication to humanitarian…

L’ambasciatore. «In Ucraina un milione di bambini a rischio: è allarme scolarizzazione»

Agency Avvenire
Date 07/08/2024

«Nel conflitto in Ucraina la diplomazia è all’opera. Magari non lo si percepisce o appare silente. Ma sta lavorando dietro le quinte, a diversi livelli e da varie prospettive». Nessuna…

Therapy horses help neurology patients regain confidence, motor skills

Language ENGLISH
Date 09/07/2024

In an area of Rome that once hosted horse races, four horses and two ponies move at a much slower pace to help neurological patients restore their movements and confidence….

Somalia. A Mogadiscio torna l’Ordine di Malta per salvare due ospedali

Agency Avvenire
Date 28/06/2024

Dopo 30 anni l’Ordine di Malta torna in Somalia. Ha rifornito due ospedali di Mogadiscio a fine maggio con un C130 dell’Aeronautica militare carico di farmaci, kit chirurgici, dispositivi di…

Christian knights continue delivering babies in Bethlehem as Israel-Hamas conflict devastates Holy Land

Agency Fox News
Language ENGLISH
Date 17/06/2024

Bethlehem, West Bank – Just 1,500 steps from where Jesus was born was born, a chivalric order of Catholic knights is working towards a future where no newborn baby in…