Sovrano Militare Ordine
Ospedaliero di San Giovanni di
Gerusalemme di Rodi e di Malta


L’Albania e l’Ordine di Malta firmano la convenzione per I servizi postali

L’Albania e l’Ordine di Malta firmano la convenzione per I servizi postali

On 10 May, the postal agreement between Albania and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta was signed during a ceremony held in the Magistral Palace in Rome. Thanks to this agreement, to become effective in June, a regular postal service will be established between the entire territory of Albania and the seats where the Order exercises its sovereign prerogatives.

Signatories to the agreement were Rrok Logu, Albanian Ambassador to the Order of Malta, and Gian Luca Chiavari, Receiver of the Common Treasure (Minister of Finance) of the Order of Malta.

Albania is the 57th country with which the Sovereign Order of Malta has signed agreements for the circulation of mail bearing its stamps.