Soberana y Militar Orden
Hospitalaria de San Juan de
Jerusalén de Rodas y de Malta

En la prensa

La Orden de Malta: Una presencia cristiana que ayuda en los lugares donde más se sufre

Agency Rome Reports
Language ESPAÑOL
Date 09/01/2019

Como cada año, el Gran Maestro de la Orden de Malta ha pronunciado su discurso para los diplomáticos acreditados ante la orden. Se trata de una ocasión en la que…

Ordine di Malta, 2019 al fianco dei migranti: “Sono una priorità”

Agency DIRE
Date 09/01/2019

Anche per il 2019 l’Ordine di Malta si dichiara in prima linea per rispondere ai tanti bisogni umanitari a livello internazionale. Lo ha confermato il Gran Maestro fra’ Giacomo Dalla…

Ordine di Malta, la diplomazia della solidarietà proiettata anche verso la GMG

Agency ACI Stampa
Date 08/01/2019

Ci saranno 120 volontari dell’Ordine di Malta provenienti da Italia, Francia e Germania inviati per la Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù di Panama. Lo annuncia il Fra’ Giacomo dalla Torre del…

«Tra aiuto ai senzatetto e assistenza ai drogati siamo l’Ordine di Malta»

Agency Il
Date 07/01/2019

I volontari raccontano le lunghe notti in città: «In strada portiamo cibo. E anche noi stessi» Nelle fredde notti delle Feste sono ancora troppe le persone che vivono in strada….

There’s room for newborn babies at Bethlehem’s Catholic hospital

Agency Catholic Agency News
Language ENGLISH
Date 20/12/2018

For almost two millennia, Christian pilgrims have come to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem to pray, remembering the special place where Jesus Christ was born. A half mile…

Room at the inn: Catholic hospital serves all moms and babies in Bethlehem

Agency LifeSite
Language ENGLISH
Date 18/12/2018

Thousands of babies are safely born in Bethlehem thanks to a Catholic hospital named for the Holy Family. Holy Family Hospital is a Catholic teaching hospital with a state-of-the-art maternity…

Christian, Muslim young people spread pre-Christmas cheer in Beirut

Agency Crux
Language ENGLISH
Date 12/12/2018

BEIRUT, Lebanon – On a gloomy, rainy Saturday morning in Beirut, 92-year-old Julia enthusiastically greeted her visitors, Christian and Muslim youth, who had come to set up a Christmas tree…

Order of Malta: ‘Compact on Migration success in itself’

Agency Vatican News
Language ENGLISH
Date 10/12/2018

The Sovereign Order of Malta has expressed its satisfaction for the soon-to-be signed Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. Developed by the United Nations over a 2-year process,…

Knights of Malta chief: Migrant deaths represent ‘greatest mass grave since WW2’

Agency Crux
Language ENGLISH
Date 07/12/2018

ROME – Albrecht von Boeselager, Grand Chancellor of the Order of Malta, has said Europe cannot ignore its high number of migrant deaths, and stressed the importance of seeking a…