Ordre Souverain Militaire et
Hospitalier de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem de
Rhodes et de Malte

Dans les médias

La cerradura de Roma desde la que se ven tres Estados diferentes

Agency Rome Reports
Language ESPAÑOL
Date 06/05/2016

¿Saben para qué hacen cola todas estas personas? ¿Y por qué hacen fotos delante de una puerta? La respuesta está en esta cerradura. Miren qué imagen única. La cúpula de…

“Kein Mensch ist illegal”

Agency Handelsblatt
Date 11/12/2015

In der Flüchtlingskrise stehen die Helfer der Malteser in vorderer Linie. Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager, Großkanzler des Malteserordens, fordert eine rasche Aufstockung der Finanzhilfe in Nahost und spricht über das…

In campo 2.500 volontari dell’Ordine di Malta tra medici e soccorritori

Agency Adnkronos
Date 30/11/2015

Saranno operativi circa 2.500 volontari dell’Ordine di Malta durante i 12 mesi del Giubileo Straordinario della Misericordia.

Order of Malta first aiders attended scene of deadliest Paris attack

Language ENGLISH
Date 18/11/2015

The volunteers rushed the injured to hospital after terrorists opened fire on concertgoers at the Bataclan. First aiders from the French branch of the Order of Malta were called out…

Grand Master of Order of Malta visits charitable works in Russia

Agency Vatican Radio
Language ENGLISH
Date 07/10/2015

Fra’ Robert Matthew Festing, the Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, recently visited the Order’s charitable works in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Nobody is illegal, we were all created by God’ – Grand Chancellor of the Order of Malta

Agency Malta Indipendent
Language ENGLISH
Date 09/09/2015

The Order of Malta has taken quite an active role in providing aid and supporting refugees and migrants fleeing from conflict zones, trying to make a better life for them…

Sovereign Order of Malta calls for better global approach with refugees

Agency Scottish Catholic Observer
Language ENGLISH
Date 18/06/2015

Group providing humanitarian aid around the world flags up, before World Refugee Day, the need for more cooperation and better policies to deal with the suffering Ahead of Saturday’s World…

Simposio Ginevra, Frattini: leader religiosi non predichino violenza

Agency Radio Vaticana
Date 28/05/2015

Il prossimo Vertice umanitario mondiale, voluto dallo stesso segretario generale Ban Ki-moon e in programma a Istanbul nel prossimo anno, ha motivato il Sovrano Ordine di Malta ad organizzare a…

Retter bei der Flüchtlingskatastrophe: “Wir sind dorthin, wo wir Schreie gehört haben”

Date 22/04/2015

Die Flüchtlinge sind schon wieder weg. Gleich nach der Ankunft in Sizilien wurden die 27 Überlebenden weitergeschleust durch die italienische Asylmaschine: 21 kamen ins nahe Auffanglager, vier Teenager ins Jugendheim,…