Soberana y Militar Orden
Hospitalaria de San Juan de
Jerusalén de Rodas y de Malta

En la prensa

La volontaria Cisom: «Così, a 64 anni, ho sfidato il Covid nella zona rossa»

Agency Il Messaggero
Date 08/06/2020

Tre mesi vissuti di corsa, tra ansie, paure, speranze e il confronto e il sostegno anche con i cittadini di Giove durante la zona rossa. «Non ci siamo fatti mancare…

Doctor to Doctor: Order of Malta helps tailor best practices in fight against Covid-19

Agency Vatican News
Language ENGLISH
Date 03/06/2020

The new coronavirus pandemic is global but challenges can be very different from country to country. That’s why the Order of Malta, that runs medical, social and humanitarian projects across…

High-Tech House Calls: Order of Malta Clinic Adopts Telemedicine During Pandemic

Agency National Catholic Register
Language ENGLISH
Date 03/06/2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is changing the way the Diocese of Oakland’s Order of Malta Clinic is doing business. Fears of spreading COVID-19 led to the small, pro bono health clinic…

Chaîne de solidarité de l’ordre de Malte auprès des hôpitaux gouvernementaux

Agency L'Orient LE JOUR
Date 29/05/2020

Pour répondre aux grands besoins engendrés par la pandémie de Covid-19, l’Association libanaise des chevaliers de Malte a lancé une levée de fonds spécialement dédiée à cet effet, qui lui…

South Africa: Order of Malta feeding the most vulnerable amid the Covid-19 crisis

Agency Vatican News
Language ENGLISH
Date 28/05/2020

The South African branch of the Sovreign Order of Malta provides life-saving food packages to hundreds of vulnerable people, isolated in their homes and unable to receive government aid amid…

Aviazione dell’esercito e Ordine di Malta al fianco della Caritas per la colletta alimentare

Agency Il Messaggero
Date 27/05/2020

Emergenza sanitaria e sociale, a Viterbo l’Aviazione dell’esercito fornisce il suo contributo anche attraverso nuove forme di impegno solidale. Di fronte al disagio economico avvertito, anche a causa delle limitazioni…

Order of Malta expands Oakland clinic outreach with telemedicine

Agency Catholic San Francisco
Language ENGLISH
Date 21/05/2020

Oakland’s Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California announced a telemedicine expansion May 6 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic limiting patients from visiting the facility in person. Founded in…

Reabre la basílica de San Pedro entre medidas de seguridad para los peregrinos

Agency Rome Reports
Language ESPAÑOL
Date 21/05/2020

San Pedro ha reabierto al público tras más de dos meses cerrada. Carteles en el exterior indican las medidas que se deben seguir para entrar: mascarilla, distancia de 1 metro…

L’Ordre de Malte se sensibilise contre le Covid-19

Agency Inside News
Date 20/05/2020

Face à la détresse de beaucoup et aux difficultés de nombreuses familles, l’Ordre de Malte Maurice ne pouvait rester spectateur. « Nous devions agir et rester fidèles à notre vocation…