Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta

Photo and Video galleries


‘At the gateway of hope’ by the Italian Relief Corps of the Order of Malta

Since 2008 the Order of Malta’s Italian Relief Corps has rescued and provided medical treatment to thousands of children, women and men passing through the Strait of Sicily to reach…


‘Caring with kindness’ by Order of Malta Italy

Over 90 disabled young people and volunteers participated in the Order of Malta’s Italian summer camp for disabled young people. Two volunteers were allocated to each disabled person to guarantee…


Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta

Founded in 1989, the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta has 5000 regular and 15,000 casual volunteers, and is now one of the major welfare organisations in the…


For 15 years “Le Fleuron Saint Jean” on the Seine has been giving new hope to the homeless in Paris

For 15 years “Le Fleuron Saint Jean” on the Seine has been giving new hope to the homeless in Paris. Its mission of sheltering and providing psychological support to the…


Across Hungary the Order of Malta’s Charity Service (MMSz) is sending its doctors to isolated communities living in great poverty

Across Hungary the Order of Malta’s Charity Service (MMSz) is sending its doctors to isolated communities living in great poverty. In the Roma settlement of Monor, southeast of Budapest, a…


The Order of Malta relief corps in Romania delivered over 21,000 food packages to the elderly poor across the country last year

The Order of Malta relief corps in Romania delivered over 21,000 food packages to the elderly poor across the country last year, giving essential support to the vulnerable in precarious…


Ordre de Malte France has been providing refugees in Burkina Faso with medical aid and emergency supplies since the start of the crisis in Mali

Ordre de Malte France has been providing refugees in Burkina Faso with medical aid and emergency supplies since the start of the crisis in Mali. First-aid and ambulance personnel support…


The Order of Malta’s Relief Organisation in Lithuania is involved in a wide range of projects

The Order of Malta’s Relief Organisation in Lithuania is involved in a wide range of projects: support for the elderly poor, with the delivery of hot meals and provision of…


Order of Malta’s 56th International Pilgrimage to Lourdes

Led by Grand Master Fra’ Matthew Festing, some 1,300 malades as well as over 6,500 members and volunteers participated in the Order of Malta’s 56th International Pilgrimage to Lourdes. Coming…