Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta

In the news

Semaine Nationale du Handicap : le 9e s’implique

Agency Le daily neuvième
Date 17/03/2015

Pour la Semaine nationale des handicapés, s’il vous plait Messieurs, Dames!» Comme tous les dimanches de janvier à mars, la tente blanche marquée de la croix sur fond rouge de…

Lampedusa, la dottoressa a bordo della motovedetta: “Ho pregato per tutto il viaggio”

Date 10/02/2015

Anche i soccorritori hanno temuto per la propria vita e perfino i più esperti sono stati male durante il tragitto, durato al ritorno ben 17 ore. La drammatica testimonianza di…

En 2015, le combat contre la lèpre continue

Agency Aleteia
Date 25/01/2015

Vendredi 23 janvier 2015 débutait la 62e Journée mondiale des lépreux. La Fondation Raoul Follereau et l’Ordre de Malte rappellent l’urgence de soigner les malades.

Order of Malta Grand Chancellor: ‘It’s a tragedy that thousands of years of Christian culture are being destroyed’

Agency The Catholic Herald
Language ENGLISH
Date 17/10/2014

The Grand Chancellor of the Order of Malta discusses the dangers of providing aid in a volatile age

Sovereign Order of Malta donates ambulance to Bulgaria’s Satovcha town

Agency The Sofia Globe
Language ENGLISH
Date 26/06/2014

As part of celebrations of the 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Sovereign Order of Malta and Bulgaria, the Order donated a fully-equipped ambulance to the town of Satovcha…

The migrants making the deadly journey to freedom

Agency The Telegraph
Language ENGLISH
Date 23/05/2014

The Telegraph interviews the Order of Malta about migrants making the treacherous journey across the Mediterranean to Lampedusa

Ordine di Malta, un seminario per preparare le riforme

Date 01/01/1970

Si terrà i prossimi 2 e 3 maggio il Consiglio Compito di Stato per l’elezione del Gran Maestro o Luogotenente di Gran Maestro del Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta, la prima…

Date 01/01/1970