Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta

Diplomatic Activities

Diplomatic Activities

The Monastery of Saint Ursula in Valletta-Malta

The launch of the Italian edition of the book “The Hierosolymite Sisters, the Church and the Monastery of Saint Ursula in Valletta-Malta” by Padre Giorgio Aquilina O.F.M., former Rector of the National Archives of the Republic of Malta took place in the presence of Grand Master Frà Andrew Bertie and numerous ambassadors accredited to the Order.

Diplomatic Activities
Grand Master news

Official visit of the President of the Italian Republic

In a world lacerated by conflicts, the medical and humanitarian actions of the Order of Malta, an institution which remains "in the hearts of all Italians" , are a valid reference point and a call to responsibility for the entire international community, declared the President of the Italian Republic, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, on an official visit to the Order's Magistral Palace this morning.

Diplomatic Activities
Grand Master news

The Grand Master receives the Ambassador Francis Rooney

On 30 March the Grand Master of the Order of Malta, Fra' Andrew Bertie, received the Ambassador of United States of America to the Holy See, Francis Rooney.

Diplomatic Activities
Diplomatic Activities
Grand Master news

The Grand Master receives the Speaker of the Italian Senate Marcello Pera

This morning the Grand Master of the Order of Malta, Fra' Andrew Bertie, received the Speaker of the Italian Senate, Prof. Marcello Pera, on an official visit.

Diplomatic Activities

Cardinal Schönborn received into the Order

The Grand Master of the Order of Malta, Fra' Andrew Bertie, received Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna in the Magistral Palace this morning.

Diplomatic Activities
Grand Master news

Official visit of the President of the Republic of Montenegro

The Grand Master, Fra' Andrew Bertie, received at Palazzo Malta on 16 January the President of the Republic of Montenegro, Filip Vujanovic, together with his wife and delegation.

Diplomatic Activities
Grand Master news