Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta

Volunteer Corps

Latest interventions

Ukraine war: the Order of Malta scaling up its relief operations in the region

Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, the Order of Malta – with the coordination of Malteser International – has provided food, support and medical assistance to some 275,000 people at border crossings.


Vaccinations in St Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna

To counter the new wave of Covid infections, the Austrian government imposed a total lockdown on 22 November. At the same time the demand for vaccination increased exponentially. On the initiative of Cardinal Christoph Schönborn - Metropolitan Archbishop of Vienna and Bailiff Grand Cross of Honour and Devotion of the Order of Malta - a Covid-19 vaccination centre was set up in St Stephen’s cathedral in Vienna.

Latest interventions

Order of Malta Slovakia volunteers providing assistance during the apostolic visit of Pope Francis

During Pope Francis’ apostolic visit to Slovakia - 12-15 September - the Order of Malta´s relief organization in Slovakia (Malteser Aid Slovakia) provided assistance and organisational support to the Slovak Conference of Catholic Bishops in various fields.


Germany: poverty and old age, a combination in worrying growth

In Germany, some 16% of over 65-year-olds are at risk of poverty. For the Fourth World Day of the Poor on 15th November Malteser Deutschland with the German Caritas wanted to draw attention to the fate of the poor

Latest interventions

‘A week after the apocalypse in Beirut.’

A week ago a terrible explosion brought destruction and death to Beirut. The President of the Order of Malta's Lebanese Association, Marwan Sehnaoui, wrote a letter of appeal, which is not only a cry of grief for the battered Lebanon, but also describes the activities carried out in support of the population.


Order of Malta’s Italian Relief Corps Turns 50

It was 24th June 1970 when the Order’s Grand Magistry first established its volunteer corps in Italy

Latest interventions

Covid-19: Summary of the actions taken worldwide by the Order of Malta

The Order of Malta is increasing its worldwide engagement dealing with the Covid 19 pandemic, scaling up its socio-medical projects in the 120 country where its Associations relief and volunteer corps operate.


St. Peter’s Basilica Reopens: Order of Malta’s Volunteers Administer Health Checks

At 7.30 this morning, in an almost deserted St. Peter’s Square, the bells rang out for the first mass after the long interval caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.


Covid-19, Commitment doubled for Roma children in Hungary

The Budapest government asked the Order of Malta’s Hungarian charity service (Magyar Máltai Szeretetszolgálat) to coordinate an initiative – called Long-Term Development Programme for New Settlements – for the most disadvantaged areas in the country,