Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta

Volunteer Corps

Latest interventions

The Order of Malta stretching its projects worldwide to fight Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic is deeply affecting the work of the Order of Malta: its Grand Priories, Associations and relief corps spread across the world offering sociomedical care have had to adjust to this unprecedented, global health crisis.


Father Gerard: here in South Africa we’re waiting for the tsunami to arrive, we have to act quickly

From Scandinavia to South Africa, from the Americas to Asia “we were caught off guard by an unexpected, turbulent storm,” Pope Francis said about the coronavirus pandemic on 27th March,

Latest interventions

Luca Rovati: the coronavirus emergency has taught me people have big hearts

For a month now Luca Rovati, hospitaller of the Order of Malta’s Italian Association and counsellor of its Italian Relief Corps, has been in the frontline combating coronavirus.


COVID-19: Order of Malta Activities Worldwide

With its centuries-old hospitaller tradition, the Sovereign Order of Malta is actively participating in the management of the Covid-19 pandemic, both through forms of cooperation

Latest interventions

Coronavirus pandemic spreads across Europe and the rest of the world

The entire world now has to contend with the Covid-19 pandemic, overstretching national health services, as well as every level of social assistance service.


Coronavirus Emergency, Italian Rescue Corps working on several fronts

To tackle the Covid-19 healthcare emergency, the Order of Malta’s Italian Relief Corps (CISOM) has been in action for some weeks. Its medical teams of doctors, nurses and volunteers have been present in 14 Italian airports since 5 February last, entailing over 1000-man days in little less than a month


Order of Malta Singapore organizes fourth Lourdes Experience with over 11,000 pilgrims

Singapore’s fourth Lourdes Experience of the Order of Malta event held on Saturday, 7 December at the Singapore Indoor Stadium was attended by approximately 11,000 pilgrims. Sick and needy people attended in big numbers, coming from the 32 local Catholic local churches, organisations and homes for the elderly.


Albania Earthquake: Order of Malta on site to assist

While the death toll following the devastating earthquake that struck Albania last Tuesday continues to rise – 49 dead and 750 injured – the Order of Malta’s Albanian relief corps is on site to assist the hundreds of displaced persons (3,480 in all).


Memorandum of understanding signed with Slovak Ministry of Health to strengthen cooperation

A visit of great significance was made last Friday by the Grand Hospitaller of the Sovereign Order of Malta in Bratislava, where Dominique de La Rochefoucauld-Montbel first signed a memorandum of understanding with Minister of Health of the Slovak Republic, Andrea Kalavská and then inaugurated the Malteser Aid Slovakia new headquarters.