Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta

Volunteer Corps


World Youth Day: 130 Order of Malta volunteers in Panama provide first aid alongside local and Vatican authorities

The 130 Order of Malta volunteers who flew to Panama for World Youth Day will be offering assistance and first aid to pilgrims.

Latest interventions

To Santiago di Compostela in a wheelchair

The Order of Malta’s history has for many centuries been linked to the pilgrimage route to Santiago di Compostela where the remains of the Apostle James the Great are buried. From ancient times, the knights have offered accommodation and healthcare in hospitals, convents and churches to pilgrims along their journey.


The Order of Malta’s summer activities focussed on the disabled

Everything is ready for the Order of Malta’s 35th International Summer Camp for Disabled Young People. This year it will be held in England in Hampshire, a county on the south coast, from 11th to 18th August.


Order of Malta’s Team Trains Future Libyan Navy and Coast Guard Instructors

Training took place on the Italian vessel San Giorgio


The Order of Malta’s Italian Relief Corps has some hundred volunteers deployed in the quake-hit areas

The Order of Malta’s Italian Relief Corps (CISOM) has almost a hundred volunteers currently deployed in the areas of central Italy devastated by the recent earthquakes.


The Order of Malta’s volunteers continue their efforts for the extraordinary Jubilee

There are over a thousand Order of Malta volunteers who, from 7 December 2015 – the launch of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy -– up to the end of August 2016.

Diplomatic Activities

Lithuanian Prime Minister thanks the Order of Malta for 25 years of service

The Grand Chancellor of the Sovereign Order of Malta visited Lithuania for the 25th anniversary of the Lithuanian Relief Organisation of the Order of Malta.

Latest interventions

Pope Francis Proclaims Mother Teresa of Calcutta a Saint

Over 120,000 people began to file into St. Peter’s Square and the streets around the Vatican to attend the ceremony for the canonization of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.