In an extensive interview, in the ‘Confessions’ section of the Italian newspaper, Fra’ Alessandro De Franciscis explained his work as President of the Bureau des Constatations Médicales of Lourdes, the office that examines cases of alleged healing miracles, established in 1883 by Dr George Fernand Dunot de Saint-Maclou.
At Lordes for 15 years, the Grand Hospitaller declared his faith “in the miracles of healing, in the resurrection of the dead”, in the fact that ” there is Jesus in the host “, recounting that he had seen four miracles since he had been in charge and that he had met many people who had benefited from this grace.
As Minister for Health, Social Affairs, Humanitarian Action and International Cooperation, Grand Hospitaller Fra’ Alessandro De Franciscis is sent by the government of the Sovereign Order of Malta, led by Grand Master Fra’ John Dunlap, to the various countries where the Order is involved through its national associations, relief bodies and humanitarian entities.
Talking about this commitment he said: “I go where there is a need for medical and humanitarian aid, which is the Order of Malta’s mission. I accompanied Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, to Gaza, and I do not need to tell you what we saw there. In Bethlehem we have the Holy Family, a university hospital specialized in gynaecology and obstetrics, where over 100 thousand children have been born in 30 years.”
The Grand Hospitaller then announced that dementia, or poverty in rich countries, would be one of the key topics of the next International Hospitallers Conference, a meeting for heads of the Order of Malta’s humanitarian projects worldwide. It is scheduled for early April in Vienna.
You can read the full interview in Italian here: Alessandro de Franciscis: «Da medico di Lourdes ho verificato quattro miracoli, l’ultimo lo scorso dicembre» |