Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta

In the news

Advice from leader of a 900-year-old charity: Try to give of yourself. Life will be better

Agency Aleteia
Date 03/10/2017

Aleteia’s Polish edition sat down with the man who has the distinguished title of “Grand Hospitaller” of the Sovereign Order of Malta. (His full title is: Grand Hospitaller of the Sovereign…

German NGO report urges facts over feelings in refugee debate

Agency Deutsch Welle
Language ENGLISH
Date 29/09/2017

A Catholic relief organization has released a new report on the plight of refugees in Germany. The study, intended to push lawmakers into action, indicates that many newcomers to the…

Al via l’addestramento di 87 marinai della Guardia Costiera libica in Italia

Date 18/09/2017

Sono giunti ieri sera presso la  scuola sottufficiali della Marina Militare di Taranto gli 87 marinai libici, tra ufficiali e sottufficiali appartenenti a Guardia Costiera e della Marina libica, che…

World’s rarest passport, held only by 500 people

Agency Financial Express
Language ENGLISH
Date 12/09/2017

The Order of Malta, a Roman Catholic institution or order, is home to the rarest passport in the world.

Protezione Civile: Ordine Malta, ‘riorganizzare governance’

Agency ANSA
Date 30/08/2017

Mauro Casinghini, necessario rivedere il modello organizzativo (di Giulia Pelosi) – “In Italia c’e’ bisogno di riorganizzare la governance della protezione civile, iniziando dalla ‘testa’.

Head of knights of Malta Relief Efforts says rescue of migrants at sea a ‘human obligation’

Language ENGLISH
Date 04/08/2017

While European leaders continue to debate how to handle the influx of migrants, the head of the Order of Malta’s Italian relief corps said that search and rescue operations are…

Ancient order, modern times: Order of Malta focuses on renewal

Language ENGLISH
Date 04/08/2017

For more than 900 years, the Sovereign Order of the Knights of Malta has seen its fair share of victories, defeats and institutional changes.

The Order of the Malta Clinic for Northern California surpasses 25,000th free appointment

Language ENGLISH
Date 19/07/2017

The Order of the Malta Clinic for Northern California, on the campus of the Cathedral of Christ the Light on the shores of Lake Merritt, just celebrated its 25,000th patient…

Inaugurado por la Orden de Malta el primer albergue inclusivo del Camino de Santiago

Agency El Diario
Language ESPAÑOL
Date 02/07/2017

El ministro de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, ha inaugurado hoy el primer albergue inclusivo del Camino de Santiago, habilitado en la localidad palentina de Villalcázar de…