Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta

Humanitarian & medical works

Latest interventions

Refugee Crisis: New Operation for Order of Malta Italian Relief Corps in the Aegean Sea

As part of an agreement the Order of Malta’s Italian Relief Corps is now working onboard a Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS), in close cooperation with the Greek Coastguards and local authorities.

Grand Master news
Latest interventions

The Grand Master inaugurates a new soup kitchen in Madrid

Fra’ Matthew Festing inaugurated the new welfare initiative of the Order of Malta’s Spanish Association on 10 December, during his official visit to Spain.

Latest interventions

How the Order of Malta intervenes to help people affected by climate change

The UN conference on climate change (COP21) is underway in Paris where the international community has come together for 12 days to seek measures to tackle the effects of climate change.

Latest interventions

“Maltesers Soup” Celebrates its Tenth Anniversary this Year

A special anniversary for the “Malteser Soup” campaign, organized by the Order of Malta’s Lithuanian Association.

Latest interventions

Nepal earthquake six months on: unrest and approaching winter worsen the situation

Since the introduction of the new Nepalese constitution, political friction has led to unrest in Nepal’s Terai region.

Latest interventions

New life for medical equipment: The aid managed by the Order of Malta’s Swiss association is constantly increasing

To collect medical supplies, such as equipment and instruments, still in a good state but no longer used by Swiss institutions, and then make them available to hospitals and health centres worldwide.

Latest interventions

The Order of Malta increases its efforts to assist refugees arriving in Europe

“In these dramatic times in which wars and terrorism are spreading throughout the Middle East and Africa, millions of people are forced to flee and seek refuge in Europe,” said the Sovereign Order of Malta’s Grand Chancellor, Albrecht Boeselager

Latest interventions

Over 2,400 Order of Malta volunteers for the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy

The Order of Malta will be involved in the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis and opening on 8 December next.

Latest interventions

Rescuing migrants in the Strait of Sicily: 80,000 hours worked during the first seven months of 2015

Last week, the Order of Malta’s Italian Relief Corps gave first aid to 250 migrants rescued during two separate operations of the Coastguards’ vessel Fiorillo.